

Dance Performance by MARIKA OSTROWSKA (HfMDK)

Premiere: 10. Mai 18

“Physical bee-ing” is a performance interconnecting dancing, acting, electronic and live music. The group is collecting young artists that gather together to explore their bodies and manner of movement in a different and new way.

If you close your eyes and imagine that you are different body , what do you see?  Is it an outer-body experience? Did your perspective on limitations shift?

“Physical bee-ing” is concentrated on exploring of one specific group of people with natural limitations. The idea of limiting themselves is present throughout the entire process. Are they able to limit themselves and how far they can push their limits? In how many ways they can limit themselves and how will they deal with the new limitations imposed on them?

Another aspect of “Physical bee-ing “is looking for new perspective on the limits of individuals. If you alter the perspective and your point of view on the struggles you experienced, how do you see them? Are you encouraged to overcome them ?Or can we use that new perspective to encourage ourselves and aid in the surpassing of those limits? 

Have you ever thought how big a tulip is for a bumble bee?
